ébastien Marchand is a software engineer at The Browser Company, working on the Arc browser. He has previously worked at Google on Chrome and Fuchsia.
Sébastien Marchand is also an Associate Professor at CERDI, Université Clermont Auvergne, specializing in Climate Economics and Development Economics.
Additionally, Sébastien Marchand is a photographer based in Rennes and Paris, co-founder of a photography collective, and active on platforms like Instagram and Unsplash.
If you are interested in seeing more wallpapers, please visit their personal website at https://unsplash.com/@sebas_m04.
Currently we have collected this amazing set of wallpapers from Sébastien Marchand. If you would like even more wallpapers added, please let us know and we will try to see what's possible. We are always eager to improve the collection of wallpapers from great designers.