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Modestas Urbonas

Modestas Urbonas is a Business Controller at UAB "Vilniaus duona" and a member of the company's leadership team. He is experienced in financial leadership and strategic decision-making.

Modestas Urbonas is also a photographer with a significant presence on Unsplash, where his images have achieved over 100,000 downloads.

Additionally, Modestas Urbonas is a front-end developer based in the Greater Brighton and Hove Area, with experience working at Madgex and an educational background from BHASVIC.

If you are interested in seeing more wallpapers, please visit their personal website at https://unsplash.com/@modestasu.

1 wallpaper

Currently we have collected this amazing set of wallpapers from Modestas Urbonas. If you would like even more wallpapers added, please let us know and we will try to see what's possible. We are always eager to improve the collection of wallpapers from great designers.

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