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Lucas Jungmann

Year shooting: 18 months

First SLR Gear: Nikon D5000 and kit lens

Photographic education: Self taught

Scholastic Education: University of British Columbia, school of engineering.

Favorite Type of photography: Sport/Landscape

Skill most interested in improving: Portrait/studio Work

Favorite Photographer to follow: Chase Jarvis/ Joe McNally

Favorite Photographer related website to follow: F-Stoppers/ Peta Pixel

Photographic career outlook: Learn, Share, Learn even MORE

Photographic Achievements:

Front Cover Photo FMI Magazine
Published in Pedal Magazine
Photos published in 3 Ipod/Ipad Apps
Studio 7 Croatian TV photo use
Photos featured in Local Art Gallery (sold)

8 wallpapers

Currently we have collected an amazing set of wallpapers from Lucas Jungmann. If you would like even more wallpapers added, please let us know and we will try to see what's possible.

Moraine Lake Panorama Okanagan Lake Sunset Rundle Mountain Valley Sunset Vermilion Lakes Brewing Storms On The Lake Sunset Of 2010 Herbert Lake