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Blake J. Nolan

Blake J. Nolan was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, and later studied photography and film at the University of Colorado at Boulder. After graduating, he spent nearly 3 years traveling the globe, visiting and living in over 40 countries in that time. Blake has earned recognition and respect in the photography field and his photographs are collected by over 35 major US universities. His company, Storm Brain Designs, recently relocated to San Diego, California.

If you are interested in seeing more wallpapers, please visit their personal website at http://www.blakejnolan.com.

2 wallpapers

Currently we have collected this amazing set of wallpapers from Blake J. Nolan. If you would like even more wallpapers added, please let us know and we will try to see what's possible. We are always eager to improve the collection of wallpapers from great designers.

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